Narcotic Anonymous NA support-groups

How Narcotics Anonymous Came To Be

Narcotics Anonymous was created on the model of Alcoholics Anonymous, which is the oldest and most popular support group for addicts in the UK. NA (Narcotics Anonymous) came into existence after the great success of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous). NA renders support to the people attempting to get rid of from addiction to drugs, rather than just to alcohol. People who are trying to stop the dependence on different drugs are welcomed to the NA. Anyone who is trying to give up addiction to any substance including alcohol can join NA. They are aware that polysubstance dependence is common among people. Any addict is welcome if he or she wants to recover.

This movement is now available in 129 countries across the world since it started in 1953 in Los Angeles.

What To Anticipate From An Na Meeting

It is natural to be intimidated by the thought of going for a meeting with this group, but it is essential to understand that members were once at the same stage as you are. All NA members are all recovering addicts who seek to help others on their recovery journey.

As an NA member, you are welcomed, accepted just as you with no judgemental attitudes and you'll be cared for.

A person may be called to talk to all the addicts or they can discuss among themselves.

During discussion meetings, members share their personal stories of addiction and recovery as they relate to their lives. In speaker meetings, one or more member within the group is asked to share their experience for the majority of the meeting. In discussion meetings, members share as much or as little as they wish but should mind the timing because consideration for other people is important. New persons are not made share, but if they choose to do so, they are welcome. Sharing their experiences is held one at a time and members are instructed only to share their story without commenting on others because conversations can be held during any breaks or after the meeting.

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Religion In Na

NA meetings are underpinned by spirituality rather than based on any kind of religion. It refers to a higher power but no definition is given, because this notion can be understood differently by everyone. The seminars are always closed with prayers and also looking up to s spiritual power for guidance. It has, however, been noticed that some people replace" God "with "higher power" or "good orderly direction." The aspect of higher power is just to set as a guiding morality and strength and is not dependent on any religion.

Terminology For Your First Meeting Here is a brief vocabulary of terms routinely used in NA meetings, taken from the NA official "Intro to NA" booklet

  • Addict (Addicted Person, Drug Addict)
  • There term refers to us the members for we recognize the use of a certain drug is not the problem but the addiction itself.
  • Basic Text
  • This book contains our core ideas and is titled Narcotics Anonymous.
  • Group
  • Members of an NA group attend regularly scheduled meetings.
  • Higher Power
  • Any stronger and loving force that assists the member overcome and remain clean from addiction.
  • IPs
  • Information pamphlets are texts about various aspects of NA activity.
  • Newcomers
  • New NA members.
  • Relapse
  • When one goes back to taking the drug, they are fighting to quit regardless of length of time.
  • Sharing
  • This involves telling stories of what you've gone through during addiction and afterwards.
  • Sponsor
  • This are the participants that guide others through the different recovery stages.
  • Trusted Servants
  • The members who hold service positions in NA.

Difference Between Closed And Open Meetings

"Open" and "Closed" are the different ways through which people assemble in NA which is similar to that of AA. Family members and friends are allowed to attend the "Open" meetings. Recovering addicts have exclusive use of closed meetings.

The members are free to choose the type of meeting they wish to be attending. It's also a good idea to try a few of different meetings and groups until you find the one that fits your needs best, which you like and time of which meets your schedule.

The 12 Stages

Narcotics Anonymous also utilizes the 12 established steps of AA and bases their treatment on this procedure. Narcotics Anonymous doesn't focus on any particular drug and the terms used are the same as those used in AA except for the references to alcohol. You can find here more detail about the 12 stages.

Strength And Responsibility In Numbers

The community is one of the most powerful aspects of NA. Since NA consists of people recovering from addiction who try to take care of their own selves, its meetings provide newcomers with a really welcome environment which greatly contributes to help and healing.

New members always search for sponsors after they have developed a trust with the group. A sponsor helps newcomers to the program by guiding them through the 12 steps as they themselves have already passed through them before. You can have as many sponsors as you want which is beneficial to you.

Acquiring A Narcotics Anonymous Group

If you're trying to get on the path to recovery and planning to stay there, it's a good idea to find an NA group. More than 61 thousand of NA meetings are held every week round the world, so there are lots of options that will meet your needs and fit in your schedule. If you need to find an NA group, get in touch with us call .