Over The Counter Drugs Addiction and Abuse in York North Yorkshire

What Are Over The Counter Drugs

Addiction to harmful drugs in some instances starts as a result of addiction to over the counter medicine.

Drugs that can be acquired without a doctor's prescription in pharmacies and other stores are referred to as over the counter drugs.

As far as safety is concerned regarding OTC drugs, you don't have to worry till you are taking them as recommended. However, they can be abused just like illegal drugs and prescription medications. Albeit less powerful than different substances, OTC medications still represent a hazard for building up dependence.

Cardiac problems, loss of memory, kidney failure and even death has been known to arise due to abuse of OTC drugs.

Some generally misused OTC solutions include

  • Medicines for treating coughs
  • Cold medicines (Pseudoephedrine)
  • Motion sickness medication (Dimenhydrinate)
  • Painkillers (Acetaminophen)

Give us a call if you know a person who is addicted to over the counter drugs.

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Abuse Of Otc Drugs

The medical purpose of over the counter drugs usually includes treatment of motion sickness and mild pain. Some mishandle OTC medications to self-cure for maladjustments like nervousness and sorrow.

Consuming OTC drugs will give the users a euphoria and/or cause them to hallucinate. Abuse is defined by any use of these drugs that isn't recommended. A person that abuses OTC drugs might start looking for stronger effects and begin to use more risky or illegal drugs.

Cough Treatments Like Dextromethorphan Or Dxm

When taken in larger doses, cough medicines can lead to severe high and delusions. Since they can be easily accessed in medicine cabinets at any household or even at some friend's home, cough medicines are favoured among the youth. Cough medicines, when taken in large dose, will result in vomiting, rapid heartbeat, blurry sight, shaking, and even worse, brain damage. If you notice the signs of OTC drug addiction on one of your dear ones, get help immediately. You can call us to find out more about the best treatment and support for them.

Medicines Used For Treating Colds Like Pseudoephedrine

Stimulants like pseudoephedrine can be found in many cold medicines as integral ingredients. Many people consume a large dose of pseudoephedrine to get the hallucinations effect or to feel high. Methamphetamine can also be made from Pseudoephedrine. Health risks associated with pseudoephedrine abuse include dizziness, fast, slow, or unusual heart beat, breath shortness, tremors, and elevated blood pressure.

Motion Sickness Pills Like Dimenhydrinate

Dimenhydrinate is used to treat movement disorder and vertigo. If consumed in an unusually high dose, it will result in hallucinations, ringing in the ears, nausea, irregular heartbeat, seizure, coma, and it may lead to death. The high caused by this drug is why it's commonly misused.

Acetaminophen For Pain Relieving

Painkillers like Tylenol usually have Acetaminophen as their main ingredient. Dangerous health issues like permanent liver damage might occur if this substance is used in big amounts and for long periods of time. Acetaminophen abusers also experience other negative effects, like loose motion, pain in the stomach, and nauseous feeling. People take acetaminophen to relieve pain. People suffering from chronic pain are quite likely to abuse this drug.

Otc Drug Dependency

After some time, even the casual OTC drug use can alter the person's brain chemistry. At the end of the day, the human body will develop a tolerance to the OTC drugs after a while, and it will result in the users increasing the dose higher and higher in every use to get the same effects. There may also be withdrawal symptoms if an addict stops taking the over the counter medicine.

Most people experience these withdrawal symptoms

  • Bewilderment
  • Estrangement
  • Apprehension
  • Fluctuating moods

It is not easy to tell if someone abuses OTC medications. OTC medications like Tylenol and different cough medications don't convey an indistinguishable unsafe picture from illegal medications like Heroin. It is easy for people to overlook abuse of OTC drugs because most people are unaware that these drugs can actually be addictive.

When a person starts spending a lot of money on over the counter medication or if they continue using the drug even when they are well aware of the dangers, this could mean they are addicted. There are 11 key criteria to analyse a dependence on any medication.

Statistics For Otc Drug Abuse

Otc Drug Habit Treatment

There are a variety of treatments available for people addicted to OTC drugs. Some treatment methods that are known to work include group therapy, individual therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and other forms of mental counselling.

You can get what you need to get clean and stay clean from OTC medication at many inpatient and outpatient treatment programs. Addicts can greatly decrease chances of relapse if they sign up for a drug rehab program.

Overcome Dependency With Our Resources

Quitting OTC drug addiction is a long and tough journey indeed, but it is not impossible at all. Inpatient sedative treatment programs give recuperating addicts 24-hour therapeutic care, while those in outpatient projects can visit indicated treatment centres while keeping their home lives in place. After going through the rehab program, surrounding yourself with an encouraging group or environment is also helpful to stay clean. 12-step group, such as Narcotic Anonymous can provide former addicts a supporting group of people so they can maintain their drug-free life.