Addiction And The Brain what-is-addiction

Changes In The Brain Because Of Addictive Substances

The brain is physically altered over time from using addictive substances. These brain modifications make users think only about substance abuse and nothing else once a dependency develops.

When one becomes addicted, their brain is practically redesigned to depend on the drugs even with their effects. Cravings for the substance can occur even after a lot of time has passed because any feelings or situations connected to the previous drug abuse can cause them, even though physical effects of a dependency are no longer present. This however does not make recovery an impossibility But individuals in recovery must know healing is an ongoing program. In recent time, there is a significant changes in the way addicts are helped to break free from it. Get help now if you or someone you know is having a hard time beating an addiction.

How Addictions Happen

Everything we do, both consciously or unconsciously, are controlled by the brain. The brain fully controls normal motor skills, heart and breathing levels, feelings, behaviour and decision-making. The limbic system is responsible for the control making people experience a strange feeling of happiness when on drugs. Continuous drug abuse is the consequence of this. The brain reward system is altered to stimulate craving for a drug despite awareness about its dangers. The top priority becomes feeding the addiction.

There is a section in the brain charged with addiction. The limbic system is the name of that section in the brain. The system, as well referred to as the "brain reward system," is accountable for creating emotions of pleasure.

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Setting Off The Brain Reward System

The brain's reward system is triggered when a person uses an addictive drug. Dependence on drugs occur when the reward system is constantly called to action. The brain reward system is usually sparked off when we engage in practices that are great for us. It is part and parcel of our natural capability to get used to and survive. Every time something sparks off this system, the brain supposes something essential to survival is taking place. In that case, the brain rewards that activity by making one feel good.

For instance, when you quench your thirst by drinking water, the reward system is activated, hence we do this again and again. Dependent substances hijack this system, leading to emotions of joy for activities that are really dangerous. Sadly, the effects on the brain reward system are far much potent from addictive substances.

Addiction Biochemistry

According to Dr. Dee at Healing Hands Chiropractic, Dopamine performs a very crucial role in the reward system. Dopamine signals the limbic system and occurs naturally in the brain. Addictive substances act like dopamine or trigger its excessive production in the brain once they get into the reward system.

Normal levels of dopamine are caused by normal actions (like food, music, sex, drinking, etc.) and don't reprogram the brain for addiction.

Regular levels of dopamine triggered by normal actions are 10 times lower than levels released with the use of addictive drugs.

Dopamine is usually combined with floods neuroreceptors by drugs. This is what leads to the "high" that is brought on with drug use. The human brain can't create regular dopamine levels normally after prolonged and constant substance abuse. Typically, the drugs hijack the reward system.

Dopamine levels should go back to the original level, this triggers the desire for addictive substances. Not taking the drug automatically leads to despondency for such addicts.

Neurofeedback And Addiction

A method of addiction treatment getting popularity is neurofeedback. It is as well referred to as Electroencephalogram (ECM) Biofeedback. Neurofeedback is a training session for the brain to improve its functionality. Sensors are applied to the scalp by the person performing the therapy that monitor brain activity during this process. The leader then rewards the brain for diverting its own action to better, very healthy trends.

Underlying problems that might be activating addiction are targeted by neurofeedback and these problems are

  • Dejected
  • Being anxious
  • Severe depression
  • Inability to sleep

Neurofeedback records a successful trend as addiction treatment option, as it helps retrain the brain how to function without drugs. Neurofeedback is offered as part of an all round treatment plan in several recovery facilities. Contact us immediately on to be linked with a treatment base that can support you well.