Addiction In The Medical Industry
Just like every other person, medical professionals are also exposed to drug abuse. Unattended addiction cases among doctors and nurses may have a profound impact not only to them but also to their patients. You may not expect it but addiction occurs in many health care employees. There is always an underlying reason as to why a medical practitioner is addicted to alcohol or any other form of drug. Some might take drugs to cope up with long-hour shifts or night shifts, some to escape from occupational stress, and some for other reasons.

UK Today released a report stating that Oxycodone and Fentanyl are among the abused drugs by over 100,000 healthcare professionals including doctors, nurses and technicians.
The fact that the people in the medical field can easily get the drugs is what is alarming.
However, statistics shows that these people also tend to withdraw faster than people in other professions.

Warning Signs Of Dependency Within Medical Professionals
It is not easy to identify alcohol or drug dependency in medical professionals because of their ability to behave more or less normally. The chances of these professionals maintaining their career, home life along with their substance abuse over a period of time without being noticed by the others remains higher.
If you are a doctor or a nurse and are dealing with an addiction contact and we will help find a treatment centre for you.
Physicians General Abuse Symptoms
- Changing jobs frequently.
- Preferring to work during the night when there is a lack of supervision and access to prohibited substances is easy.
- Dosing while on duty.
- Showing eagerness to administer narcotics to patients even when it's not their job.
- Apprehensive on working the night shifts.
- Visiting bathrooms frequently or taking too many breaks.
- Trying so much to cover their smell which is always that of alcohol or drugs.
- Suffer from terrible family relations and money problems.
- Contracted pupils and/or glassy eyes.
- Other Physicians in charge of drugs are always their good friends.
- Always making mistakes, or experiencing improper documentation.
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The Reason For Substance Abuse By Medical Practitioners
Substance abuse among medical personnel may be attributed to a number of distinct characteristics of a doctor's or nurse's work. Easy access to many popular commonly abused drugs, like Fentanyl and Oxycodone, that medical professionals enjoy is the number one cause of high addiction rate in them. As they are professionals who also extensively knowledgeable about the effects, these substances can have on an individual, and this could possibly provide them the motivation needed to attempt and mimic the sensations with themselves with the sole intention to produce a high or euphoria.

Doctors are expected to make choices of victimized patients in order to facilitate their recovery, coupled with their unplanned extended work period. Their emotions and psychological state are affected after regretting an action or making wrong decisions, thereby prompting addiction.
Substance Abuse And The Working Environment
A medical professional who's under the influence of drugs or alcohol will make more mistakes that might have serious consequences for patients entrusted in his care than his sober counterparts. They can be distracted on the job or decide to leave abruptly setting aside important appointments or even surgical procedures to satisfy their urge for the substance.
The patient's life and wellness is threatened when treated by a physician with drug abuse, as well as equally placing the physician's life at risk. It can become difficult for medical professionals to accept that he or she could have an addiction. However, it will be better if the addiction is identified at the earliest to be given the attention it deserves. The sooner this happens, the sooner the treatment can start and undesirable events can be averted sooner.
The Statistics Of Addiction In The Healthcare World
Holding a license of a medical profession, certainly does not guarantee you a protection against abuse. It is encouraging to note that there is a specialized addiction therapy designed just for them.
Numerous treatment facilities catering to the wellness of the addicted healthcare professionals are now easily accessible nationwide. Physicians are supported medically through this scheme to regain wellness and to abstain from stimulants.
Areas to tackle for the doctors and nurses abuse therapy scheme
- Bouncing back with your career and esteem.
- How to return to work.
- Addressing matters regarding discipline and licensing.
- Getting rid of addictive substances round the entire job area.
- Importance of taking part in monitoring programs.
- Importance of continued after-care.
The high rate of recovery from addiction among healthcare professionals is something that proves encouraging for the patient. The level of expertise and experience of therapy personnel are also among the contributing factors in the high recovery rate of doctors and nurses undergoing treatment. They are willing to work alongside the medical professionals to understand the root cause of their addiction and provide the guidance required throughout the process to restore their health.