Drug Misuse And Dependency In Teenagers
In many cases, drug abuse has been found to start during the teenage years. The risk of dependency is higher due to the brain of a teenager still evolving.
Adolescent's who make wrong use of drugs might have a higher risk of developing a dependence on drugs once they become adults.
One must know the difference between addiction and drug abuse. Most teenagers who take drugs for fun or to see how it feels like may not be addicted.
It is possible to stop the advance of addiction by recognizing the signs of and those that lead to drug abuse and stop or prevent them early enough.

While the teenage brain is still evolving, drug misuse can cause terminal cognitive and behavioural side effects.
To discourage drug use among teenagers, it is important to set a proper example and to talk to them about the effects of drug use.

Teen Drug Testing
Most of new drug users are under the age of 18. The biggest reason for drug abuse amongst teenagers is trying and testing. Those who try liquor and or drugs doesn't mean that they will become addicts. It is essential to comprehend the reason that some teens want to try drugs. Most adults with a drug addiction first tried it prior to when they turned 21 years old. But now, the rate of teen drug abuse has been decreasing. There are many teen addiction treatments offered, if your child is utilizing the drugs.
Frequent reasons teenagers abuse drugs is
- Curiosity
- Wanting to fit in with the crowd
- Tension
- Emotional difficulties
- Wanted to run away
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How To Tell A Teenager Is Using Drugs
There are a lot of evidences that show that an adolescent is using drugs. There is a thin line between teenage curiosity and real drug abuse, so parents are encouraged to take the time to talk to their children and understand what they are struggling with.
It's up to parents to begin a talk with their teens in case they are doubtful about drug use. The statistics show that twenty percent of parents who believe their teen is using do not do anything to prevent the usage.

Side effects of teen drug abuse are
- Bad grades
- Red eyes
- Laughing without reason
- Lacking of interest and enthusiasm towards work
- Bad hygiene
- Sudden poor physical appearance
- Avoiding making eye contact
- Constant hunger pangs
- Lingering smell of smoke on breath and clothes
- Being secretive
- Uncommon fatigue
- Missing curfew
One of the ideal approaches is to ask concerned and understanding questions related to drug usage.
When properly phrased and asked in the right tone, it is possible for parents to get answers even to direct questions. Come out straight and ask "have you been using drugs or alcohol?" or "has anyone offered you drugs recently?" it is a good place to initialize the discussion.
It is crucial to ensure that the response to the admittance or denial of drug abuse is handled in the correct manner as well.
What To Do When A Teen Confesses To Drug Use
Parent, do overreact if your teen admits they are using drugs. Overreacting or lashing out can prevent a teenager from opening up when it comes to their experience with drugs. It is important to find out how whether they took the drugs only once or if they are on the way to becoming addicts.
Explaining to them how much you are concerned about them and their future may help you. A teenager who is confident of their parent's love and support will want to and will be willing to accept help to quit taking drugs.
When A Teen Refuses To Admit Drug Use
It's more likely that teenagers may not tell the truth about their drug use. It is the parent's responsibility to give their teen the confidence that they are loved and cared for and that they will be assisted and supported.
In cases where the teenager keeps denying the drug use, but the parents consider this to be a lie, a home drug test or specialized assistance can reveal a drug issue. Professionals like therapists, paediatricians and addiction specialists may be able to assist in determining if your teen is on drugs.
We can help you find a specialist near you to work with your teenager.
Drugs Commonly Abused By Teenagers
Drugs do not discriminate and therefore, drugs used by teenagers are not really different from ones used by adults. However, teens generally use a drug because of its availability and so the reason for misuse can vary. Youngsters perceive the dangers as low risk, so they consume more amount of drugs and liquor.
Alcohol is the element most frequently abused by teenagers, Many teenagers view alcohol as being quite harmless since it's a legal substance that is frequently used by many people of legal drinking age. Because teenagers don't yet have impulses that have developed properly, they are more likely to binge drink.
In 2014, 20 percent of students in the 12th grade admitted to binge drinking at some point. Practically 40% had used alcohol in the past month.
Teenagers are more susceptible to addiction and binge drinking increases the risk of addiction. Conversing with teenagers will ensure that the dangers of underage drinking will be controlled.
Common Marijuana users began their abuse of the substance in there teen years. The way teens perceive taking Marijuana is changing with many not thinking it is a problem. In a study 20% of teenagers admitted to having used Marijuana within the past month.
Prescribed And Over The Counter Medications
It is common knowledge amongst teenagers that intoxicating effects can be acquired through the use of many prescribed drugs. Teenagers may want to experience the pleasurable effects brought on by painkillers such as OxyContin and Benzodiazepines such as Xanax. These elements have enormous habit-forming potential and a chance of overdose.
The home medicine cabinet is the first place teenagers access prescription drugs from; 40% teens attests to this.
Abuse of over the counter medication among teenagers is also possible. DXM (Dextromethorphan) is a substance that can normally be found in many flu and cold medicines because of it's cough suppressing qualities. Intoxicating effects can be caused by high dosages of DXM, and so overdose becomes a likely possibility.
Treatment For Addiction In Teenagers
Life issues that cause anxiety and uncertainty are difficult for teenagers to deal with. They are looking for relief when they take a stiff drink or a drug. Talking to someone and getting emotional support is the ideal way to control stress.
Treatment is a vital factor to implement if a teenager has already tried to stop or lower their usage and has not succeeded.
Most rehab centres that treat teenagers assist them to deal with the psychological problems that caused the dependency on drugs.
Some of these centres also offer the teenagers tuition so they can catch up on missed school work. The sooner an addiction is identified, the easier it is to treat.
Get guidance to find treatment for teen addiction now.